GBH Openvault
Media Production Organizational Tools
The GBH Archives' Media Production Organizational Tools are freely available to the production community. The tools, created by the MLA, consist of a handbook and four Filemaker databases. Use them as you move through the different phases of production to help you in organizing tapes and photos, compiling cue sheets, tracking licenses with third party sources, and in creating a final program log.
Media Production Organizational Tools consist of a handbook and four Filemaker databases. Download each zipped file individually or download the complete package. These databases require the Filemaker 7.0 or higher application which users are responsible for acquiring. The GBH Archives cannot offer any technical support.
Filemaker Databases for logging materials during production
The Original Footage Database: ORIGINAL
Use this database to log what you shoot — interview material, B-roll, or other footage shot specifically for the project. This term also includes animation created specifically for your project.
The Stock Footage Database: STOCK
Start using this database in your research phase to track and log any material that you get from someone else. (Also known as third party materials.) It’s a good idea to note where you obtained the material (source) and who owns the copyright.
The Stills Database: STILLS
Stills are images that are not moving, such as photographs, drawings, maps, and letters. They can be digital or physical. Like the stock footage database, start using this database in your research phase to capture source and copyright information.
Filemaker Database for the post production phase
The Materials Used Database: MATSUSED
Once your editor has completed the online edit, you can import the EDL (edit decision list) into the Materials Used Database. By adding licensing information, you can generate your stills and stock footage cue sheets, as well as a final program log that contains the specific shots used in the finished program. This database will help you determine payment amounts to stock footage houses.
The Media Production Organizational Tools are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. They are available for sharing and adaptation so long as the WGBH Media Library and Archives is attributed as the creator, and derivative products are non-commercial in use. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at