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War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; Germans Hail Johnson Visit

Part of War and Peace in the Nuclear Age.


In West Berlin to reassure her citizens that the United States would never desert them in the face of Russian threats, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson is cheered long and loud by hundreds of thousands of Germans. As President Kennedy's envoy, Mr. Johnson declares that freedom can prevail and peace endure. He has a statement for East Berliners as he addressed 300,000 at City Hall: "the days of tyranny are numbered." Later, 1,500 American troops arrive in the beleaguered city after passing through East Germany without incident. They received a huge welcome from the grateful city.

License Clip
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
At the Brink
Program Number



Germans Hail Johnson Visit

Series Description

The first atomic explosion in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945, changed the world forever. This series chronicles these changes and the history of a new era. It traces the development of nuclear weapons, the evolution of nuclear strategy, and the politics of a world with the power to destroy itself.

In thirteen one-hour programs that combine historic footage and recent interviews with key American, Soviet, and European participants, the nuclear age unfolds: the origin and evolution of nuclear weapons; the people of the past who have shaped the events of the present; the ideas and issues that political leaders, scientists, and the public at large must confront, and the prospects for the future. Nuclear Age highlights the profound changes in contemporary thinking imposed by the advent of nuclear weapons. Series release date: 1/1989

Program Description

In October 1962, the Soviet Union and the United States are at the brink of nuclear war, the 13 most harrowing days in the nuclear age.

“I remember leaving the White House at the end of that Saturday and thinking that might well be the last sunset I ever saw,” recalls former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara of Black Saturday, the day the Cuban missile crisis pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war. Aleksandr Alexseev, Soviet ambassador to Cuba at the time, recalled, “We and the Cubans decided that, in order to avoid a United States invasion, we should supply Cuba with missiles.” The US effort to overthrow Fidel Castro at the Bay of Pigs was an expression of President Kennedy’s disbelief about the missiles in Cuba while it surprised Soviet leader Khrushchev according to his speechwriter,Feodor Burlatsky. Major General William Fairborne, speaks about how “We loaded whole blood and a hundred coffins onto the carrier Iwo Jima.” Looking back on those 13 days, former Secretary of State Dean Rusk reflects, “...we’ve got to find some way to inhabit this speck of dust in the universe at the same time.”



Asset Type

Stock footage

Media Type


Soviet Union
Germany (West)
Germany (East)
Berlin, Germany
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Rights Summary

In perpetuity ; Public Domain Rights Holder: NARA

Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; Germans Hail Johnson Visit,” 08/21/1961, GBH Archives, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; Germans Hail Johnson Visit.” 08/21/1961. GBH Archives. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; At the Brink; Germans Hail Johnson Visit. Boston, MA: GBH Archives. Retrieved from
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