Ah, Baruch Plan was
presented not at the session of the General Assembly. It was presented in the special atomic
commission which was created during the first part of the Joint Session of the General Assembly
in London. It was unanimously taken a resolution to create such a such a committee, atomic
committee. And in this atomic committee 11 June, if I'm not mistaken, Baruch presented his
Baruch Plan, and it was not satisfactory for the Soviet Union because it envisaged in the future
that United States would be monopolize the whole activity in the field of atomic energy,
including military utilization of this energy. I remember that it was a question was asked to
the Baruch, probably in 1947 ( )whether the United States would be able to use nuclear weapon.
And whether the United States ah, would be able to make some perfection in the atomic weapon?
And he answered positively. And we concluded that the United States not only tried to monopolize
the atomic energy for military purposes as well as for peaceful purposes, but use this weapon in
future and to ( ) these weapons. And we were strongly against, and represented our proposal which
envisage to abolish the whole nuclear weapons in very short period of time. If I am not mistaken
it was only three month, yes. And it was suggested to create a two commission. One commission
dealing with the exchanges of scientific information concerning peaceful utilization of nuclear
weapon. And other was for elimination of all atomic weapon from the equipment and from the
military forces of all parties including the United Nations. Because unfortunately the American
side rather wa... was in favor to eliminate all the nuclear weapon in the national armaments,
but to leave this weaponry in the United Nations organization in which they possessed at the
time the overwhelming majority. And unfortunately at that time United Nations organization
included only 51 country, including 22 for western hemisphere. 22. And Europe was represented at
the time only for ten countries, including three countries from the Soviet republics. That's why
I will tell you quite frankly that we vote in favor the full elimination of nuclear weapon at
the time. And we repeated this proposal many times in the second, fourth, and ah, fourths,
fifths and other session of the General Assembly, nearly all session of the General Assembly we
repeated our proposal, to eliminate the nuclear weapon including the last session of the General
Assembly too.