Start of Camera Roll #10F. Sync fifteen.
Camera Roll l0F. Beep.
Ah...all right? Of course, ah, Peking, the Peking government in the person of Zhou Enlai who was an exceptionally capable and sophisticated diplomat was trying in every possible way to obtain recognition as a big power on the part of the Big Five and evidence that the United States in spite of its policy of official non-recognition, recognized them as such.
Ah, for example, the story is often told of ah Foster Dulles refusing to shake hands with Zhou Enlai. As a matter of fact, ah, this was a very, very carefully calculated move on the part of Zhou Enlai, and ah not some innocent action on his part. At our first ah meeting in which we had the meeting in the hall, we went out to the ah parlor for for tea ah I was walking along with ah Foster and ah we walked into the room and I saw Zhou Enlai and his party over in one corner of the room.
And, then when I, I looked around I saw Zhou ah, Zhou ah moving towards ah towards ah Foster Dulles who had his back to him. I also saw ah as Foster Dulles saw all the cameras lined up in front of him, and ah it was only when I nudged ah Foster and pointed out that Enlai was coming up that Zhou Enlai was very, very close to him at that time, and Zhou had his eyes on the camera very, very, very clearly and reached out his hand and ah, Dulles was faced with an
immediate dilemma, did he have a picture taken shaking hands with Zhou Enlai that would ah be flashed on, in every newspaper around the world including newspapers in the United States as a "recognition of ah reconciliation between Zhou and Dulles and a recognition of China as a big power."
Although it was contrary to his nature, Foster Dulles was really a very kindly, kindly man and it was contra...contrary to his natural instincts of courtesy. He had no choice but to either accept ah Zhou’s hand or to turn his back on him so that ah the picture could not be taken. Foster chose, I think understandably in my view, the ah, to turn his back on him. And, the, the people back here in opposition to Dulles back here in administration were not given an ah opportunity to attack him.
Ah, Zhou Enlai was not given the opportunity to ah circulate around the world ah a picture showing that he's now accepted by ah Foster Dulles and, therefore, it was all right for others to accept him. Ah, but ahm, with an air of injured innocence Zhou Enlai, of course, continued to tell this story to his visitors over the years when they visited
Peking as a ah as an example of the ah of the rudeness and crudeness of the Americans, and particularly, of Foster Dulles.