Chhang Song:
Well, there were corruption yes. There were corruption. It’s ah it because of the lack of professionalism, because of mismanagement, and therefore, some people are were corrupt more than the other, but there are many, there were many good men and good women, but despite the fact that some of our lives were corrupted we it was not the government who go and oppress the people. It we try our best to defend the people and eh we didn’t take the rice away from anybody and it was the only government which decently existed at the time. If if there was such a thing as corruption, it was just because some of the people sort of profited from the from the wartime, and there was a lot of power, there was a lot of money, there was a lot of influence and people were weak to that.
Ah. I think it would be wrong to blame the Cambodian alone for corruption. I think this thing has been documented in the west and the east. We corrupted some of some of us were corrupted but we didn’t go ahead and kill people. Ah. Now, you have the a government, a communist government which has got all the power to itself.