It is forty-two years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki
and in that time, over two hundred warlike incidents have occurred. Well,
fortunately or unfortunately, although we have nuclear weapons, they have
not been used. Not in these forty-two years. In that sense, perhaps through
luck, I'm not sure why, as long as there are nuclear weapons I could never
say that things were good, but it is fortunate that they have not been used.
But as we approach the Twenty-First century this does not mean that they
will not be used. The possibility that they will be used is extremely high.
The leaders will not push the button. Rather, what are more dangerous, are
accidental uses of nuclear weapons. There are two possibilities. The first
are terrorists, or nuclear weapons used by terrorists, or nuclear weapons
constructed by terrorists. Whatever their aims, they may construct nuclear
weapons in order to reach their goals. From the state of the world today
this is a plausible prospect. The other is a computer error. In America from
data from three years ago, computer errors have occurred two-hundred and
fifty times. They mistakenly judged that Soviet missies had been launched.
The machine's computations were wrong and put out this information. There
are records of this, and this could result in the use of nuclear weapons. An
error. But while it is an error, unknowingly one might think that the Soviet
Union has actually launched missies. And without knowing that it was this
kind of mistake, America might push the button. And since the Soviet Union
had not attacked, probably if America pushes the button, the Soviet Union
will push the button as well. So through this kind of computer error, an
accidental use of nuclear weapons is possible. The danger of these two
things happening are very present in the future so for this reason nuclear
weapons must be eliminated. As long as they exist there will be accidents,
and ultimately, the leaders do not want to use these weapons. But if such a
thing happens... such a thing must not happen, such a thing must not happen
again. If nuclear power is used not for the purpose of war, but for various
peaceful aims, then it is quite good. That is what I thought at the time,
but then when accidents started occurring, even with the production of
electricity. Then I began to have doubts about whether even the peaceful use
of nuclear power was really beneficial to the human race. And then there are
the things that I spoke of before...Of course, what I just said is not what
all the Japanese people think but what I myself think. I said that other
sources of energy needed to be investigated... that is my own