150, take 1.
Clap stick.
Nguyen Van Nghi:
It was a long nine years in
the South. During this period in the battlefront in the South,
emotionally speaking, I really missed my wife and children, my relatives
and other loved ones. I missed them a lot. But I managed to turn this
emotion into a driving force for the struggle. But in spite of 9 long
years, when liberation came about in the spring of 1975 I was personally overwhelmed by jubilation. First of
all, the country was liberated. And secondly, I was now able to go home
to see my wife and children, my neighbors and my native village.
When I arrived home, I was
very moved because my relatives, my neighbors and my co-villagers gave
me a very warm welcome. I was extremely moved to see my wife more
matured and my children grown up. I had accomplished the job placed on
me by the army. And now, as far as my own personal emotional side is
concerned, to be able to be with my wife and my family again after nine
years was a great joy. I was also happy to have the support of the
people in my native village. This means a lot to me.
153, Take 1.
Sound of Nghi digging in the garden.