Certainly, but, as
you remember there was a period before the Sputnik where the vulnerability of the V-bombers on
the ground was not relevant. The was plenty of time to get off before the Russian manned bombers
could have arrived. After the... with the arrival of the Sputnik and the corollary that we could
now be bombarded with missiles, the whole of the V-Bomber force became vulnerable on the ground.
We therefore went from very wide dispersal plan, dispersing the aircraft down to small packets,
four on airfields all over the country, and we, by technical means and by hard training, plus
the use of the Fylingdales warning radar, we worked up a capability of getting the whole command
airborne in four minutes. This, this meant that with the warning from Fylingdales of the, of the
missiles, by the time they arrived, the whole of the V-bomber force would have been in the