I grew up in
China before and after World War II and ah, left
China in
1949, had lived through the last year of the ah, Chinese Nationalist government and then spent the ten years of the
50s in college and graduate school trying to understand what was going on in
China and the rest of
East Asia, and ah, saw in that ah, terrible decade, a terrible American panic,
McCarthyism and Korean War, so called loss of
China and saw its consequences which caused all the people I respected most in
the government and outside the government; in the universities and elsewhere, to be tarred and feathered, to he sent to pasture, dismissed, driven in a few cases to suicide, and in
'61, I had the ah, extraordinary ah, accidental privilege of coming into government in the Kennedy Administration as what I call the child bureaucrat, and I discovered there the consequences inside government writ large, which was that anyone who knew anything about
Asia and had ah, been tainted by the McCarthy purges had left, and all you had was a bunch of super cold warriors and a vast amount of ignorance.