Uh, let me organize my thoughts before I start
talking there. Uh, at the time, when the President's speech was scheduled
uh, all uh, subordinate commanders uh, had been ordered to report to me for
contingency planning. Uh, I think it went without uh, uh, saying that they
knew what the uh, objective would be. But we announced the objective after
the President had uh, given us his message. And at that time I had my
warning orders to commence planning uh, to mount this force out uh, in the—
in accordance with the uh, standard plan which required us to mount out a
force of this size in 72 hours. Uh, our flagship was as far away as—was up
in Fort Lewis, Washington and they were the last naval element to join us.
Uh, so the planning went forward uh, completely orderly, uh, and the only
problem uh, that we uh, had to— where we had to vary from those things that
we knew we had to do like the tonnage of ammunition and so forth to be moved
uh—is that we did not get initially the uh, amount of--of uh, uh, civilian
cargo transportation that was needed to move our explosive across the
highways and to our ports of embarkation which were uh Santiago, the Silver
Stand uh, uh, El Toro, uh, there were a total of five points of