Le Van Phuc:
Before January 17, a soldier named Gion who had
been drafted into the army by the Americans and the Diem regime shot his
military post commander, captured some guns and came out to us. After
that, to prepare for the January 17
uprising we made our own weapons such as machetes, bayonets and, with
the support of the people inside the forts, captured guns.
The spot where the first gunshot was fired was at the
military post in Dinh Thuy at exactly 3:00 p.m. on January 17. This was a military post which
had a platoon of civilian guards in Dinh Thuy. In this post there was
another man named Dinh, who is now a major in the People's Army of
Vietnam and a deputy military commander in the province, who was a man
like Brother Gion who organized the effort to get rid of Sergeant Ty in
order to capture the guns.
So exactly at 3:00 p.m. we captured fifteen guns from
this platoon. With these guns and with home-made weapons, on the evening
of January 17, in the central area of
this General Uprising in the district of Mo cay in Bon tre province, we
took over four more military posts. These were Huong My Cam son, Phuoc
Hieu and Dinh Thuy military posts. These were our military activities.
Hand in hand with our attacks, the village inhabitants
on the outside of the forts built up fires and sounded the drums and the
gongs and staged demonstrations around the military posts. This was a
coordination between the military attacks and the uprisings of the
villagers. While we surrounded the military posts we used gongs and also
pipes stuffed with hydrogen sulfide. This is to say we burned these
pipes filled with hydrogen sulfide and they exploded like big
firecrackers or grenades.
By January 18, in the four village area, we got rid of all the
strategic hamlet directors, the local despots and the reactionaries who
had carried out repression against the population. We now had a
territory of our own. And our leaders and commanders in the province
ordered the organization of the first military company called the
Company 264. I was the person who was appointed as commander of this