Well, when the Viet
Cong would recruit, and we had excellent information about
recruiting, from peasants and guerrillas, when they recruited at their
highest levels, like in 1964, 1965
and through... they would obviously use this as corruption in government
as a recruitment pitch to a guerrilla – a young man living in a hamlet.
That young man in the hamlet aah he would listen to GVN, Government of
Vietnam officials, he would register for the draft or he would go to the
Viet Cong. The Viet Cong would legitimately and
honestly have a more reason to recruit and convince that young man to
serve against the Government of Vietnam.
Communist ideology had nothing to do with it. There
were very few Viet Cong
recruited because they were Communist, and we learned this a little bit
late, maybe, but the Communist were in control, The peasants of Vietnam
supported the Communist and in huge numbers, in thousands and in
hundreds of thousands because, basically because of the corruption, the
impossibility for them to obtain a piece of land – a small plot where
they could have their family and raise the rice without paying absent
landowners. By the hundreds who controlled most of the land in Vietnam.
There were absentee landlords. These absentee
landlords aah were making plenty of money, pay the... the peasant would
pay the rent, much more than he could afford, and the situation across
the board, throughout South throughout Viet—South Vietnam, particularly
in Military Region 3, where I was... aah considered the northern part of
the Rice Bowl of South Vietnam, the peasant absolutely had no chance.
The absentee landlord, the government officials, the army officials,
were in control of the country. And this in essence is about the
situation the Viet Cong faced
at recruitment so in the earlier...