Ah, sometimes, otherwise trivial incidents which
ah, click as I think back...I remember one occasion at Tower Hill, we were
having a particularly exciting argument and ah, I said more or less off the
cuff if the Church, and I was thinking particularly the Roman Church, would
be absolutely dogmatic in matters of war as it is completely dogmatic in
matters of sex, and say that you could not, in fact, be a Christian and go
to war, I think I'd ask to join them. And ah, I recall that as something,
which I said on the spur of the moment and therefore probably, was ah,
heartfelt. It wasn't calculated. And I do remember the very real response of the crowd which had been... and arguing and heckling and so forth, and suddenly was
confronted because of that unpreconceived sort of comment that this is
really what matters. That ultimately, the Christian faith depends on
non-violent love, and unless that is the prime and absolute requisite, that
all the other attentions which we pay to all the other vicissitudes in life,
either become invalid or...