Open Vault

Credits: Digital Library Initiative
Open Vault provides online access to unique and historically important content produced by GBH.

Funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the GBH Archives Digital Library Initiative has completed three phases. In the first phase, GBH conducted an assessment of the value of our archival collections for scholarly use. In the second phase, “Developing a Public Television Content Delivery System for Academic Institutions,” GBH developed Open Vault Research. Designed in close collaboration with scholars, this prototype web site facilitated research access to the collections. Further, working with Ithaka S+R, we investigated the sustainability of online archives for academic use. In the third phase, we explored the best methods for bringing our catalog online for scholarly and public access and helped drive new interest and scholarly work around our resources. Functionality from Open Vault Research and lessons from all three phases of the Digital Library Initiative have since been incorporated into the design and development of the current Open Vault.

Principal Investigators
Karen Cariani - Director, GBH Archives
Peter Pinch - Director of Technology, GBH Interactive
John W. Dower - Ford International Professor of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Blight and Janet Lang - Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University
Peter Winn - Professor of History, Tufts University
Project Team
Courtney Michael, Project Manager
Chris Beer, Developer
Mayo Todorovic, Designer
Jim Barton, Business Manager
Paul Plutnicki, Business Manager
Sustainability Research
Ithaka S + R
Laura Brown
Kirby Smith
Matthew Loy
Legal Research
Jill Goldberg
Production Assistance
Michael Delia
Jeffrey Elias
Michael Murasko
Leah Weisse
Jon Alper
Special Thanks to
Marisa Castrini
Karen Colbron
Nancy Dillon
Kim Ducharme
Dov Frede
Sarah Grafman
Philip Landry
Keith Luf
Christopher McNeice
Shigeru Miyagawa
Michael Steadman
2024 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved.