Open Vault

New Television Workshop


The New Television Workshop at GBH supported the creation and broadcast of experimental works by artists from 1974 to 1993. The New Television Workshop Collection was preserved, arranged, and described by the GBH Archives with support from the National Endowment for the Arts (Grant # A 96 – 019016). Materials in the collection include videos from the New Television Workshop, as well as early video arts works that pre-dated organization of the New Television Workshop and ancillary but related video art works produced by GBH.



Video Art

Program records

Related content


The New Television Workshop Collection was preserved, arranged, and described by the WGBH Media Library and Archives with support from the National Endowment for the Arts (Grant # A 96 - 019016). Materials in the collection include videos from the New Television Workshop, as well as early video arts works that pre-dated organization of the New Television Workshop and ancillary but related video art works produced by WGBH.

Project Archivist: Selene Colburn
Grant Supervisor: Mary Ide
Grant Consultant: Susan Dowling
Preservation Supervisor: Carl Piermarini
FileMaker Implementation and HTML Export: Thom Shepard
Rights Clearance Coordinator: Lee Shane
Project Intern: Nathan Georgitis
Project Intern and Assistant: Steve Maloney
Web Design Oversight: Arthur Smith and Chris Wise
Web Graphics: Joan Hazard
Technical Oversight: Kevin Carter and Dave MacCarn

Special Thanks to: David Atwood, Fred Barzyk, Jane Beal, Larry Buck, Karen Cariani, Jeremy D’Entremont, Lacey Dean, Tracy Deschenes, Patricia Dwyer, Julie Ecker, Electronic Arts Intermix, Meghan Fallon, Jay Fialkov, Rich Harrison, Nancy Mason Hauser, Rick Hauser, Karen Johnson, Maureen Jordan, Galen Joseph-Hunter, Sue Kantrowitz, Evie Kintzer, Karen Lally, Brian Lee, David Liroff, Leita Luchetti, Marni Ludwig, Keith Luf, Courtney Michael, Michael Mushlitz, Carl Piermarini, Poets House, Paul Plutnicki, Leslie Spears, Vladimir Stefanovic, Olivia Tappan, Ian Wedegartner, Howard Weinberg, and Leah Weisse.

2024 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved.