GBH Openvault

Basic Black; Welfare: Surviving the Transition


Welfare Reform

License Clip

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Basic Black
Welfare: Surviving the Transition
Program Number


Series Description

THe series was formerly known as Say Brother. Series title change as of 1/8/1998. This series is black produced and is one of public television's longest-running series that is rooted in and reflects the culture, concerns, achievements and history of people of African descent. Also includes controversial issues, African American artists, and events of special interest to the African American community.

Series release date: 1/8/1998

Program Description

Basic Black explores the impact welfare reform has on the new economy. Kahlil Byrd, producer of WGBH's The World, is featured in this program, helping to examine the effects of the Reform in the professional/labor markets. By examining the lives of those who've made the transition from welfare to work, we find out what challenges these individuals are faced with in regards to promotional advancement, childcare and the creation of a better, over all quality of life.



Asset Type

Broadcast program

Media Type


Race and Ethnicity
Social Issues
Chicago: “Basic Black; Welfare: Surviving the Transition,” 01/25/2001, GBH Archives, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “Basic Black; Welfare: Surviving the Transition.” 01/25/2001. GBH Archives. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Basic Black; Welfare: Surviving the Transition. Boston, MA: GBH Archives. Retrieved from
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